Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Holding baby

We have really limited visitors since we had our baby in December and worried about sickness & also just adjusting, recovering, living in our newborn bubble. But we’ve been seeing immediate family a little more often & dealing with the “I’ll get food for you & I can hold baby while you eat” or “come over so I can se...


Second baby guilt

So my second baby was born on Monday, but I already have a two year old little girl who is my complete world! Since baby no.2 has been born I’ve felt nothing but guilt on my first, having to stay a night in hospital away from her made me so upset! I have had a section so I’m unable to pick her up which is killing m...


Only fans

So just found out that my partner has been accessing and paying for content on only fans. I’m feeling so angry, upset, disappointed, worthless and ugly. I’m 4 months postpartum so already really struggling with my body to be honest. How would everyone approach this?


Feeling like a failure and burntout 😢😭

I feel so down and depressed at the moment. I feel so unhappy in my skin, I have put on so much weight and just feel so uncomfortable in everything I wear. I feel like I’ve completely lost who I am, I don’t do anything for me anymore and quite frankly I have no interest or motivation to. I feel like a terrible Mum I...


When is it okay to have sex again ?

Just wondering when did everyone decide to try have sex again after having a baby I’m only two weeks post delivery but I’m very much scared to even try and I’m unsure when you can I did have stitches too



Not really baby related but I need somes advice. I've been friends with this woman for 7 years, we met at work and immediately became good friends. She's 10 years older than me but this hasn't been an issue. She's such a good/nice person, kind and isnt nasty to anyone. She's kinda a fragile person (past trauma) and ...


Does anyone else cry when someone asks about how things are going?

I went out for the first time properly alone to my friends baby shower (3 months post partum) and everyone was asking how I’m getting on etc and I just didn’t want to talk about it and cried? I haven’t cried in ages and now I’m back home feeling deflated questioning what is wrong with me??


This pain needs to give me a break 😭

Pretty much been in tears since Thursday night with it and I can’t do this sh*t anymore I’ve to go to the hospital at 11:30 tonight and i don’t know if I can wait that long it’s actually so sore 😭😭😭


Postpartum sex

I just had sex for the first time, I already had my 6 week checkup and was all good to go but now I feel empty and lost. I thought I wanted to do it and I initiated it too but neither one of us finished and it was just scary to do and I know my husband isn’t mad at me or upset but I feel like I let him down and he k...


Alcholic partner

Is anyone dealing with an alcholic partner? I feel that i tried everything to help him but he doesn’t want to be helped, he doesn’t stop and i don’t know what to do anymore…


Am I the only one who has felt like this?

I had an emergency c-section at 31 weeks due to restricted growth in October 2024. After 6 weeks in NICU we got to bring our baby boy home. The whole experience has caused some trauma (it is still very fresh) and I am struggling with blaming myself for him coming early and not being able to grow him properly and the...


Losing hope 1 year postpartum

I get so mad at my husband whenever I hurt his feelings and act bitchy instead of apologizing and then we fight over how I can’t admit I’m wrong. I feel like I’m stuck battling with myself arguing and can’t find a good answer as to why and it’s just destroying our relationship. Last night he told me during the fight...



My LO just won’t stop crying, I don’t know what is wrong with her, I thought she may be coming down with something so gave calpol, didn’t do anything, she literally won’t stop crying no matter what I do and it’s been an hour. She won’t eat either. Help!



Has anyone experienced post partum depression. What did you do to help recover, I am 7 months PP, I feel like I'm trapped and there is no way out. I used to take LO out and try to socialise but ever since he has been 6 months it has gotten worse. I do not have anyone that can come over and help, if I need any suppor...


Anyone else?

Anyone else's husband/SO/BD/BF have them thinking about how their first BD maybe wasn't THAT bad. Even though they were terrible. Lol. But your current SO is just so much worse he's got you reminiscing over their slightly less terrible past loves? Lol. Cuz my husband's so awful that recently I've been thinking "mayb...


Postpartum hair loss

So, I’m 5 months pp and my hair is just falling out & getting so thin I’ve got bald patches😢😢It probably doesn’t help that my hair was soooo thin before having a baby but any remedies or anything to help my hair before it all actually falls out??? Thank you in advance🫶🏼🫶🏼


So sad

I dont even know who the fuck i am anymore. I lost myself so long ago and I dont know how to get her back


Sex after birth

How is everyone feeling about the six weeks waiting? I am two weeks postpartum and my hormones are making me extra cuddling and I want to snuggle in my husband all the time. But hugs and kisses are becoming not enough, especially that we haven't been much intimate for the past few months of my pregnancy. Another 4 w...


Postpartum hair loss

Anyone else experiencing severe hair loss still at 5 months? It started coming out at 3 months which I was expecting but it’s still falling out in lumps and always all over my clothes. Just had a bath and so much more has come out! I have thin shoulder length hair so don’t have much to lose it feels like and I’m sta...


Any one else

Has anyone else been so frustrated that you've ended up saying things you don't even mean and been a bit rough with your child, not hitting them but pushing them away when they've been in your fave crying or screaming, or have shouted or screamed.. I never thought I would react the way I do sometimes, I love my chil...


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