Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Nose bleeds

I’m 25+1 and l have started getting nosebleeds and lve researched it and it says it’s normal at this stage. Has anyone else been experiencing this


Feeling so tired & deflated today!

I’m 26+2 today and woke up feeling so deflated, so down & tired and have no idea where this has come from.. past week I’ve had so much energy and felt so good and motivated. Anyone else getting days like this? Even putting socks on just feels a struggle today 😫


I’ve had enough

Does anyone else feel like their partner has the brain cells of a teenage boy? I’m fed up of being the one trying to make plans and having no reciprocated energy or excitement in making plans. I want to be high on life and joyful but everything either feels like hard work or like it’s constantly flatlining! We’ve ha...



Since the 2nd week of Jan I have had back to back illnesses! Started with a chest infection and I’ve either had stomach issues or colds / illnesses. Is this all mums or just me? Was fine yesterday and then last night started feeling sick and feel awful again today!!! I have been eating healthy meals and drinking lot...


Kinda TMI ( Birth Control) BLEEDING please help

So I had my daughter in November on the 6th and got the arm implant for my BC.. I've had it since 15 on and off but never had a baby until Nov and have had maybe 10 - 13 days off randomly of bleeding... Could that be the implant?


Upset Stomach

A bit TMI but anyone else have the opposite to the common constipation and have a upset stomach instead? 😅 it’s only the time I wake up in the morning this happens I’ve noticed.


Morning sickness

32 weeks, and my morning sickness is back :( luckily isn’t not all day sickness! I had morning sickness from 6 weeks until about 21 weeks…. That lasted the whole day which was horrible. I am now struggling a little now just the mornings but nothing is actually coming out…. Any tips?


Reduced movements?

I’m currently 35 weeks and for the past 2 weeks baby has been moving like crazy, but since my midwife appointment 2 days ago, they’ve really slowed down, I still feel movements here and there but no crazy roll and turns like before. Anyone else experienced this and everything turned out to be fine?


Lower back pain

Hey girls! I am 22 weeks and really struggling with lower back pain once I’ve been sat/laying down. It really hurts to walk on initially for a few moments then eases but causing me agro in the night. I have a pregnancy pillow which seems to be helping slightly but do you have any other recommendations? Thanks mamas x


28+6 Hip, back & shoulder pain

Everything HURTS how can I relive it I’m not sleeping at all, I’ve got 2 maternity pillows im tossing and turning rotating both sides all night long



Anyone that had the implant after having a baby, anyone that had the “excessive” blood loss (the lady said 1/5 experience it) Did the bleeding start soon after the implant went in? During/ after your first period after the implantation? Thank you


Daily headaches

I’m 17 weeks and for the past 2 weeks I’ve had daily headaches. I’m not sure if the insomnia and waking up at 5am everyday just due to not being able to sleep isn’t helping, I never had this with my first I could sleep all day and night no problem. Anyone else?


So sore after vaginal birth

It’s been 3 weeks I cannot take the feeling of my vagina being on fire. What do I do? 😭


Any suggestions?

I have never had sex that wasn’t painful. Sometimes it’s better than others, different positions are better. But I kind of hate it because half the time I want to cry but I feel like I have to pretend it’s great. I am not really experienced at all and definitely don’t do it often. I am just wondering if this is some...


Pelvic pressure

Is this where pelvic pressure is felt? Where my hand is at? I'm feeling crampy right in that area and it's uncomfortable. Makes me go to the bathroom and wee sometimes. Baby has been super active today and yesterday just wiggling around like crazy. To me the cramps feel like ovulation cramps like it's always o...


Braxton Hicks

How many Braxton hicks is everyone getting a day? Currently 30w 5d and since yesterday I’ve been getting more than 10x a day (before that only 1-2x a day).


Back pain

My aunt told me before giving birth that my back was gonna kill after having baby and my goodness she was right. I didn’t have an epidural and I thought that meant I’d be okay but wow I feel like a cripple, can’t walk round the supermarket without feeling like my back is gonna give out, can’t stand in one spot for 5...


Electrical pain on belly button

I’ll be 19 weeks on Monday and twice this week I’ve had random pain around/in my belly button that feels almost like I’m getting shocked there. It only lasts a couple of seconds but it’s really painful and kinda shocking when it happens. Has anyone experienced this odd pain in pregnancy?


15 weeks 🫠

When will the tiredness and nausea end☹️ longing to feel normal and for food to taste good again


Sudden pelvic pain

I’m 29 weeks today and I’ve had the most intense pain in my pelvis region I think it’s PGP. I’m finding it so difficult to move around, turn in bed and even walk 😫 I never experienced it with my first. Just after tips on how to manage the pain


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