Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Weird habit

Does anyone else’s baby suddenly love having their face pressed right against something to go to sleep? My baby suddenly presses his face right against my clothing, his own hand or the side of the next to me crib to get to sleep. He’s started eating his own hand and I think sometimes he’s looking for that but ev...


Anterior placenta

I have an anterior placenta and actually have felt movement for some time but no consistent pattern. Had my midwife last week who told me I should start to keep an eye on movement but I’m not sure how long to wait is normal etc. she said I’ll know my own routine which maybe will come soon but wondered if anyone else...


Feeling like i can‘t anymore..

My nausea was calming down around 9-10 weeks and now i‘m 11.3 weeks and it is worse than ever.. i feel like i can‘t anymore :( when will this end??? It feels like it got worse again and it was okay or managable for a while :(( anyone experienced it? When did it stop for you?


Increased movements

Has anyone experienced increased movements? Like your baby is moving too much, and it's more continuous.


Pulsing feeling in my uterus

I am getting what feels like my heartbeat/ pulse in my lower womb area? Happened a few times now for about 15 mins at a time. Any one else? 🤔


Dunno if anyone else has this issue but when I wear certain clothes it make my armpit smell bad.

Like I feel it give me a bad body odor. I can smell it and I feel weird all day 😔. Bear in mind I shower every money, put on deodorant and perfume. Some outfit are worse than others.


Can symptoms come and go?

Haven’t felt sick for the past two days and feeling a little worried that the feeling has gone away! Is this normal?



I’m 9+6 today and I feel so anxious this time around. I have no idea why. I still have all the really strong symptoms like morning sickness, sore boobs, i am SHATTERED!! I just can’t shake this feeling that somethings going to be wrong when I have my first scan. Can anyone just tell me I’m being silly to snap me out...


Out of control!!

When i say these pregnancy dreams is throwing me and not letting loose😭😭😭. I’ve been looking and reading the news about the state of emergency weather in the city because the cold . Within the last couple hours of being sleep I’ve dreamed two big fking snow storms blasting about to blow me through the window 😕 😭…



Hello! Currently 10 weeks pregnant (baded off of last period), experiencing some heavy bleeding, got a scan tomorrow but was hoping to hear some stories of people that had heavy bleeding around this point that went on to have healthy pregnancies! I am aware it probably wont be good news tomorrow, just need some pos...


Pushing down on cervix

Anyone else have a baby that seems to push down on your cervix all day long? My first baby never did this. It’s agony 😭😭


19 weeks

19 weeks & haven’t felt baby move yet. Anyone similar?


Gurgling in stomach

I am experiencing continuous gurgling in my stomach which is very uncomfortable for me even at night time.. i am around 7 week now and im waiting for my early scan which is on friday.. its my first pregnancy after miscarriage.. is this something i should worry about or is it normal??


Weeping eye (2 week old)

My 2 week old has got a little cold at the moment and her left eye looks a bit weepy and sore. Does anyone know what I can do for it? I was thinking of wiping with a cotton pad but don’t want to irritate it.


Back pain 😢

Hi all, 24 weeks and in so much pain with my back 😩 feeling really down and fed up. Had paracetamol, was tempted to phone in sick for work today but we are having our bathroom done so I wouldn’t be able to chill at home but should be finished today so looking forward to a nice bath after work. Any other advise on…


Craving junk food?

10 weeks today - and I can’t stop thinking about burgers, fried chicken, chips etc. I’ve always been a very health conscious eater - preferring meals low on sodium and artificial seasoning - but in the last couple of weeks I’ve found myself giving in to my unhealthy cravings every other day at least. Is anyone exper...


Baby position

Has anyone had their bump significantly change shape/feeling suddenly? I’m 29 weeks and at my last midwife appointment baby was sat perfectly with head down. In the last 24 hours my bump has gone from being tight and feeling uncomfortably full all of the time, to suddenly feeling quite empty and squashy. My bump wa...


Is anyone else struggling with day to day life?

This is my second pregnancy and my son is three so I knew pregnancy would be harder this time round. I suffer from HG but the meds seem to be doing their job for now so I don’t really think it’s related to that either. But my body aches 24/7. Every time I get out of bed in the morning I’m just counting down the ho...


15 weeks tomorrow

Anyone around 15 weeks and literally just cannot get through a normal work day? I am so tired I have been at work for an hour and feel like I need a nap already 😫


Y’all I’m struggling 😩 a vent

After nursing my baby and husband back to health I am now sick It’s 2 am We’re co-sleeping 3rd time baby has woken up when I try to move her over so I can lay properly (she likes to be sooooo close) I am getting sicker because I cannot get proper rest especially at night! I’m so frustrated, I just want to sleep a...


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