Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.

What do you do when toddler is protesting HEAVY against any form of medicine/vitamins spitting it all out, tried everything and nothing worked.

Tried mixing it with water, tried to let her do it herself and even bribed with a treat afterwards all of these things didn’t work. We managed to have her lay on her back with my legs over her arms to syringe it in mouth but literally spits it all out. She’s not eating much at the moment due to her being so poorly, ...


Would this bother you?

My husband always get me a treat but it’s never the flavor I actually like. For example he’ll get me cookies and cream ice cream but my fav is cookie dough.


Weaning advice

Hi all, Can people please give a run down of how they're doing weaning I've done a week of purees - and want to start incorporating finger food this week Just feeling abit unconfident on where to start. Any advice on what to give, how much to cook and how mushy. Pics? Examples of your weekly menu? How much to give ...


Random Question 😂

Have you given your baby crumpets? Tried them today and baby loved them. Cut into slices for them to feed themselves as finger food. Halfway through I thought maybe they’re a bit stodgy and difficult to swallow, potential choking hazard. I ended up taking them away; which baby wasn’t very impressed with. 🙈😂


This after food

This has happened twice with different things not even allergen foods But is it food or a coincidence 2 hours after her food today which had new things like mango and courgette in it her face went like this Same thing happened when I have her rice pudding with banana and strawberries??? I wipe her face a lot dur...


Baby led weaning

We do half baby led weaning & half puree depending on what we are having. really silly question but can I just give him what we are eating? I’m fed up of cooking different meals🙈



My baby is almost 8 months old and he refuses to eat anything besides yogurt and apple sauce. Any ideas open to anything I’m not sure if he is more picky about the flavors or textures but he always throws up when we try new foods.


Can I give eggs to my toddler everyday?

In the internet, it says no more than 2 per week, and other websites say 1 per day! Not sure which one to believe


Toddler baby talk

My daughter has come from nursery this everyday this week, talking about babies and how she has a baby in her tummy that will hatch and the doctor will help get the baby out. The baby needs healthy food so she needs to eat good food. We haven't talked about babies so I can only assume it's from nursery. When I've a...



Who’s began introducing baby purées? Just for new textures/tastes and not complete feeding? What’s everyone’s experience/opinions? I know a lot of people are on the nothing until 6+ due to stomach - could anyone suggest any reading for this? Wondering when to do this, as I see mixed opinions constantly x


Screaming, hysteric and holding breath when cleaning down after eating

Guys. What do I do. My LB wants to play and explore and eat all these foods, which of course creates messy hands/face but I’m not joking, i dread cleaning him. I’ve used Muslins, wipes, cotton pads thinking is it the texture, warm water instead of cold etc and he just loses his head, screams, crys and holds it breat...


Weaning at 8.5 months

I’ve been weaning my son since he was six months old. Every time he has solids he also brings up sick. Is this happening to anyone else. Any advice? My daughter used to gag but she would never bring up her milk.


2 year old extreme fussy eater

My daughter has become the fussiest eater I have ever met. Until she was 2 she ate anything and everything. We did BLW, she ate the same dinners as us, she was such a good eater. She would have off days where she didn’t eat as much but on the whole ate anything we offered. Since turning 2 she has become fussier and ...


Food / meals etc

Anyone else’s 16 mo just not interested in eating? Weaning has been awful. She didn’t try anything until around 10 months just kept turning her head away. Finally got 2 baby food jars of puree that she liked so used them for every meal to get her used to eating. She’s dropped all bottles apart from 1 x bedtime ...


5 month eating schedule

Help! My 5 month old has little interest in her bottle spits up and lot and pushes it away. I’ve been feeding her every 3 hours is that too often? Is she just not hungry? I’m worried about her getting enough calories throughout her day. She’s only drinking 2 maybe 4oz if we are lucky at a time. She is still waking u...


Fussy with food

Looking for some advice and/or reassurance - my baby has all of a sudden turned fussy with food, after doing so well initially. She only seems to want to eat what she wants, and often refuses to even try things even if she’s eaten it before, throwing it on the floor. She seems to have safe foods which are fruit etc ...


Baby porridge recommendations for babies with CMPA

Can anyone recommend a good baby rice/porridge for CMPA babies? When googling they all say may contain milk!


13 month gone off food

My 13 month old has recently had an ear infection, been on antibiotics and is now on the mend. She has also been teething bad! For the past 4 days, she has gone off her food and even now she is feeling better she isn't wanting solids, just her milk? She use to be such a good eater! Has anyone been in this situation...


Foods to try

Hey everyone my little boy is nearly 8 months and I am looking for new foods to try him with he loves spaghetti, sandwiches, toast, sweet potato etc looking for some new meals Thanks in advance


Fussy eating

Little one used to eat anything but recently won’t even attempt to pick up food / taste it. 18 months for reference. Anyone else in the same boat? Any tips!!!


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