Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.
My baby is 2 days old (second time mum) I’ve decided to EBF this time around just because she was such a low birth weight and I didn’t get chance with my first as my supply was shocking. I’ve been feeding her on demand whenever she cries/ shows cues she’s hungry she has enough dirty nappies and wet and she seems ha...
Do any other stepmums sometimes dread every other weekend when they know their step kids are coming? I really hoped this feeling would go away after 3 years but I have a little boy with my partner (21 mths old) and I’m due our second baby in a couple of weeks! The feeling is just getting worse and I find myself c...
Let’s say a female family member of yours comes over. You called them to find out if they were still coming days ago - they tell you they forgot. They don’t confirm they’re still coming, nor did they give you a time. Said family member then texts around 8 am to say they’re on their way. They arrive and say they ...
In our household, my husband covers our mortgage, health insurance, electricity, & meals when we go out. I cover everything else. This morning he sends me a text “Last month the light bill was only $350. This month it’s almost $500.” I text back “😦 that’s a huge jump.” He responds “Are you doing anything different…
It seems like everytime I go into the same area as my SO he clicks off of what he was doing and ends up on the home screen as soon as I walk in! And he always says he was just done doing whatever he was doing. But would it make you feel like they were hiding something? He doesn’t understand how it looks from my stan...
I have been so close to my grandma my whole life (we meet weekly, go out shopping together, I take her to appts etc) she is old, but if you seen her she honestly looks 60-70 and is in great shape etc. anyway…. Last year it was my babies first birthday and I did him a party because I wanted him to have a special day ...
How do y'all stay sane? Because my little one is 10 months old and I feel like I'm going crazy! It is winter so before it was cold we were doing alright we'd go to parks and lots of walks but now that the weather is bad I barely leave the house I barely see another adult and he's in that stage where he just wants to...
I’m due in a few short weeks with my 2nd & work full time. My toddler goes to daycare. While I am on maternity leave I planned on sending him to daycare for the first few weeks full time like normal so I can recover & bond with baby & keep my toddlers routine as normal as possible. Now I am starting to feel guilty ...
My lo started nursery at the beginning of January and has been poorly pretty much every day since, I knew to expect a lot of illness but her being ill this constantly is getting upsetting and putting a strain on me and my partners relationship. While I truly hate seeing her sick, I believe it helps to strengthen her...
Hey everyone, so I've been with my husband for 8 years married to for 3. The issue is he is too clingy, rings me 3 times a day whilst he's at work whilst he's on his break, sulks or goes mood dying I don't answer. I feel as if he's checking up on me when I'm sat at home with my homeschooled child or doing school run...
My MIL lives about an hour away and we see her probably every few months. She has her 30 year old daughter who lives with her (gamer/bum, on benefits) she's due to retire in around a year and a bit. She's recently put her mother in a home(mil lived with her in her home) who she didn't treat that kindly tbh. She is n...
So, I have to go back to work when the baby will be 7 months and 2 weeks old. This is because I cannot afford to stay home and I also need a full time salary so I cannot go back part time. I chose a really nice nursery close to home. I liked the vibes and the childminders as well as all the activities they do and ...
Do my husbands been in his world lately. Im potty training my 3.5 year old girl and its been so tough. I have an almost 1 year old boy too. Im doing the naked method of potty training only because ive tried the other methods and its not working. My house is always a freaken mess . My almost 1 year old crawls everywh...
I don't have a high sex drive. And whenever my partner comes near me I go rigid, I am body conscious too so I think this plays a huge part. Last night he tried it and I refused. I just feel sex with him is so forced, like we don't have any chemistry outside the bedroom either, don't touch, no kissing/hugging etc. Bu...
At preschool there is one boy who hits a lot and the other children have labelled him as the naughty boy. My little girl loves playing with the noisiest child she can find so is often playing with this boy. However every day she tells me he’s hit her, trapped her somewhere, covered her in a blanket etc and she says ...
My husband didn’t go to work today. However, he does work a lot. Well I’m tired. We had a very long day today with the kids. He of course goes to sleep first. Here I am with the kids. I’m so freaking tired as well but yet here I am with them. My oldest said she was hungry so I was feeding her. My youngest is a Velcr...
Am I the only one getting bullied by a 15lbs McChicken that barely comes up to my knees ? That constantly just yells and screams and scratches with “love”?? And why is this laundry never ending????? I can do 5 loads in a day and then still have 5 more the next day. I made dinner and cookies last night and I felt lik...
sister-in-law texts that she’s gonna order alcohol at like 744pm-(Since she’s over all the time we trade who buys) then confirms at 815pm if there was anything else (I say yes pineapple juice) she’s says ok. Then I hear nothing from her so I text at 9 asking and tell her the place is only open til 915 to order from-...
A) Have a pet dragon that can talk 🐉 B) Have a magical garden that grows any plant or flower you wish 🌸 Which one would you pick?
As a SAHM does your husband/partner makes you feel appreciated? My husband doesn’t miss a beat to throw in my face that he pays all the bills and I am ONLY watching the baby all day and I should be doing more. We have a 5 months old and he literally doesn’t spent more than 15 minutes with her daily. Before we got m...