Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
How do I get my two year old to walk with me in public. He’s always running off not sure what to do???
I’m 5 weeks postpartum, I stopped bleeding at 4 weeks but then 2 days ago I started again. I haven’t had intercourse yet I’ll wait it out for week 6.
Anyone else's 2 year old completely skipping nap times all of a sudden? 😮💨🫠
Is anyone else tired of breastfeeding already? My LO is 7 weeks old and I didn’t enjoy it from the start. The fact that it all lies on me to feed her, leaking through tops day and night, unable to wear my usual clothes to feel normal again, inability to just go out for a few hours and leave the baby with her dad… I’...
My EBF 4,5 month old hasn’t had a bowel movement for 7 days. We tried massage, bicycle legs, prune juice, tummy massage and nothing has helped. Any suggestions? Thank you x
Does your LO have a daytime nap anymore?
My 2.5 year old randomly started to stutter. He doesn't do it all the time... just wondering if this is normal. (FTM)
My boy is 6 months old I have never had any issues with him drinking his bottles today tho he wants absolutely nothing to do with his second bottle of the day I have been trying for an hr now to get him to drink it he normally has a bottle every 3hrs we are now at hr 4 and I have no clue what to do
I’m 5 months PP and tried having sex for the first time in ages. It was so uncomfortable and it didn’t help that I was petrified! Has anyone been in a similar position (quite literally) and can offer me some advice?
Just had my home visit from the health visitors today and oh my God she seemed so judgemental when I said I was formula feeding and that we use a dummy. Hope I don't run into her again!
Has anyone solely expressed and relied only on the Elvie? I am a NICU mum so have been expressing my milk for babes for the last 8 weeks and giving in a bottle, I want to continue doing this but the hospital pump I have on loan will be going back soon so I am wondering if anyone has solely relied on the Elvie? I hav...
Hey, Looking for some advice. Due in May and will also have a 2 year old. How did you get around with both on your own? Looking at options of - Sling for newborn and pram for toddler - Double pram with carry cot fitting - Or pram for newborn and buggy board for toddler Or did you use a variation of all of the a...
Has anyone ebf noticed a difference in sleep giving a bottle of formula before bed? Also, how do you manage this to not affect your milk supply?
Does anyone have this carrier and can recommend it? Thanks
Anybody else’s little one going through a biting people stage?? Mine as recently started this in the past couple weeks keeps happening 🤔
My son is 17 month old and he isn’t talking yet. He says only mama and dada when he really wants something. A lot of the time he grunts and babbles. He follows directions when I tell him to come here or the word no. But is he too young to talk yet? Is anybody going through this?
Anyone able to help! I need to know how to get curry out of white. I still don’t know how to after a year 😂.
My son if 2 months old and is pretty chill but my partner can’t get him to sleep as he wants to fall asleep on the boob. He does take a bottle but usually isn’t actually hungry and just wants comfort. Any advice also welcome 🙏
Anyone else? Exclusively breastfeeding, still have 1 feeding at night. When she wakes up in the morning she just doesn't seem hungry even though it's been like 4 hours since night time feed. She will eat for 5 minutes tops and then refuse. Anyone else?
How are you meant to avoid bubbas getting a flat head when they’re meant to sleep 14/15 hours a day?! I’m so paranoid about it especially as he’s pants at tummy time