Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
I’ve started pumping during the mornings and I’m wanting to store some milk in the freezer if I can. How are people storing it in the freezer? I only have a tiny freezer so worried about storage👀
Girls, what do you think about vaccines for newborns? Which ones would you get, and which ones wouldn’t you?
Baby girl is 18 months in 6 days. Had a few rough weeks where she wakes in the night. Some days she cries that I bring her in to bed but recently has been falling asleep. Getting 4am wakeups aswell. Any suggestions on what to do or could this all be part of the 18 month regression Thanks
My baby is 11 month old and still not sleeping through the night, sleeping training doesn’t work. He wakes up at least 2-3 times a night. Not sure what to do at this point, I nurse him back to sleep
My toddler sleeps through the night but is a light sleeper and hates when I leave her room at bedtime but will put herself to sleep. My 6m old is ready to transition into his crib, and they will be sharing a room but he is still up every 2-3 hours during the night to breastfeed. Has anyone managed motn feeds with ...
I can’t remember how I got my daughter to sleep through the night it was 5 years ago😂, but how do you stretch your baby out for longer in the night, he has his bottle at 6:45 and is down by 7 but he has started to wake up around 1 and is up near enough every hour to two hours and this has started for a couple weeks…
Firstly - I’m kicking myself for keeping it this long….secondly, any mummies out there recently weaned their toddler off the dummy? My son only had it until 6 months, so this is totally new territory for me! My daughter only has it for nap and night time, but she LOVES it (gets super excited to go to bed so she can ...
Hey, I have a 4 month old who has just learnt to roll from back to tummy but can’t yet roll from tummy to back … since she’s learnt this she is sleeping on her side at night and I’m really worried she’ll go too far and not be able to breathe - also says online it can increase the risk of Sids… I try to move her back...
My girl sleeps through the night but she keeps waking up wet from her leaking nappy. Any tips or if there’s such thing as a night time nappy? Idk🤣
My 15 month old has never been a great sleeper, since the 4 month regression. Typically a night would look like this. Lots of waking and will only really settle if she then feeds. She was EBF until solids and refuses any formula, cows milk or a dummy/soother. Can anyone suggest how to help her sleep better/ point ...
Since accepting a dummy a few weeks back my girls sleep is so bad. She’s waking every 20-30 minutes wanting the dummy and messing on. I find myself in this cycle between 1-5am, I give up at 5am and put her in bed with me where she’ll sleep content. I’m actually demented and massively sleep deprived 😭😭 any tips or…
For anyone has been through it-my baby won’t sleep past about 5.20am. Did you find the clock change helped even for a while? I’m hoping 5.20 might become 6.20 lol
Can anyone recommend a hip carrier for a toddler who is already 15kg please
My LB is 7.5mo now. From around 10 weeks he has slept 8/9hr stretches at least. Since around 5.5mo he started waking for a feed in the night and I put it down to growth spurt. But since starting weaning/ hitting 6months. He is now having 3/4 feeds in the night and getting up for the day between 5/5:30. I am struggli...
My eldest pretty much had maybe 1 a day however it’s not even 6am and I’ve already had 3 dirty nappies… the last week or so it feels like she’s being changed hourly but I’ve been told it’s normal at this stage by a GP so just wondered if I just have a pooey baby.
I’m looking for a hair oil for my newborn baby girl. She’s 6 weeks old. Any recommendations? (We are in Canada, so whatever available here) Thank you!
My LO used to sleep through the night. Now shes up 3 hours after we put her to bed (for 20 minutes then she falls back asleep), and then she wakes up at 4:30.
I'm stressed to the MAX right now. My baby's formula is running out, and I went to the clinic to ask for a sample can, but they said they don't have any because breastfeeding is their priority.. Our churches only give out food, not supplies. Any advice? Please, no judgment
I have decided to switch my LO to formula because I'm going back to work. He is turning 5 months this week and I thought it would be easier to start switching to formula. I’m wondering how it works. Because I will definitely deal with engorgement. So when he doesn't take the breast and it is engorged, do I have to p...
I’ve experienced this with my first child and now again with my newborn. I had no idea why or knew anyone else that experienced this but I finally found information on it. It’s called D-MER (Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reject) it can cause a few symptoms and I could never find anything on it with my first daughter so I’...