Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
Baby is 10 weeks old she has 210ml/7oz every 3 hours hipp organic but she is getting aggy around 2.5hrs she already has over 1000mls a day 😫 she is such a hungry baby birth weight was 5.4 so was not a big baby.
So I’m trying new things with my LO and I’m completely clueless when it comes to food because I personally don’t really have a good relationship with it, I eat once a day and I’m happy with whatever because I’m not a massive foodie. So if anyone could drop some meal ideas that would be a great help ❤️
Hey I’m looking to put my baby in daycare but I’m a little worried for multiple reasons my baby only eats cerelac poorige and you have to make it with water he eats a little bit of solids but not really. I’m worried what he will eat at daycare he is 7 months old and if they can make the cerelac poorige there he hat...
I’m a week into weaning and whenever I do it, baby just pushes the spoon out with her tongue, just is not interested. Milk intake has increased, she is not my first so I’m aware of signs and believe she is totally ready. But I don’t understand why she’s not liking it. She won’t open her mouth without me basically...
I’m one week into weaning - I’ve done a mix of puree and baby led but she just isn’t interested. She’s exclusively breast fed and just seems to push the puree back out her mouth . Shes brought some of the food to her mouth but gags awfully if she gets a chunk in her mouth (I’ve only done really soft veggies so far)....
Hi! I have a 6 MO and she does NOT want purees. The only puree she eats is pear or banana. But any time I give her hand held foods she is super curious and eats. Do I keep trying with purees? I don’t feed her, I give her the spoon with the purees and she’s not interested unless it’s fruit. She explores and moves it ...
Baby is 13 months and has decided he no longer wants to eat solids 😅😭😭 he was a great eater, with some off days here and there but since last week he will scream everytime he goes into the highchair, he will refuse the food before he even tries it. He cries, he hits the table, he shakes his head no and with…
I try to give my little one calpol but he will not take it he makes himself sick an everything he wint keep it dien or even have it in his mouth he spits it at me he's 15 months any advice I give it with water ina. Teet in sippy cup in yogurt an on a spoon just with his food that' was a Terrible idea 💡 mamma needs…
I'm in need of ideas please.. Feel like I make the same things over & over again.
I’ve tried alternatives like toys etc and they rarely work - he usually throws them.
I’ve tried to do BLW since starting weaning at 6 months but my baby is just not interested in self feeding. He will accept finger foods or preloaded spoons when offered but doesn’t pick up anything on his tray/ plate. He does get curious when I place things in front of him, digging his little fingers, mushing aroun...
My 8 month old boy still hasn’t taken to food. All I see online is how peoples babies are having 2-3 meals a day, all whilst mine isn’t even eating 1. I have tried EVERYTHING to get him to try the food but he has no interest. Please can someone advise me on what to do?
Is anyone else's toddler constantly after a snack? She has fruit after her dinner then a yoghurt after tea and used to have some crisp but now she wants more and is always stood at the cupboard pointing at it
Does anyone else’s baby hold solid foods in their mouth? I’m trying to move my baby away from purées and have always offered puree and finger food, but every single time he has a finger food that doesn’t dissolve in his mouth he just stores it in his cheeks like a chipmunk. It was cute at first but he refuses to che...
Hey guys what app are you using for solids? My boys finally ready yay !
My baby won’t eat fruit and veg! Half of it she won’t even put in her mouth. She’ll have it mixed or cooked into things but in its natural form she won’t touch it. I made butternut squash sauce last night for pasta and she was happily eating it but noticed a chunk of squash and chucked that on the floor, I’ve tri...
Hey guys is anyone else having food issues? My daughter is having days where she just doesn’t want any food, will happily take snacks but no meals, she just wants milk, other days she’s really good and will eat everything I put in front of her. I’ve tried her with food before she has her bottles so she’s hungry but...
My son is about to start solid soon, and I’m not sure if I should get a baby food maker or just use a regular blender? If you use a baby food maker, which brand do you use? Also how long have you been using it?
So I used to not eat like any fruits or vegetables but after I had to do a TED diet while nursing my son I started liking them more. I’m curious for people who eat fruits and veggies all the time do you feel organic is necessary especially during pregnancy? I have tried to research stuff and I know about the dirty d...
What foods/snacks are you LO currently loving? Looking for some new ideas!