Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Not feeling excited

Hi guys Incognito because I feel really ashamed to say this, but is anyone else not feeling excited? I wanted a child, my partner and I planned for this. My family is incredibly supportive. But I’m just not getting this rush of excitement. People keep asking me if I’m looking forward to meeting our child and honest...


SAHM/WFHM w/lazy non-working spouse

How does anyone else cope when they're inside b/w 90-100% of the entire time. The only time I leave is when my sister or her hubby or my dad come by and take me out to run errands or when I take the trash out. Side note: my husband does not work and makes every excuse to not work. He cooks 4/7 nights a week. He is ...


Feeling like a burden 🫠

My husband and I are expecting our first baby in April. We’re excited. When it comes to being a dad he seems genuinely excited and looking forward to her arrival but in terms of being a husband, our relationship is pretty much nonexistent. The difference between now and August (around when I conceived) is polar oppo...


Overstimulating toddler

Is anyone else’s toddler really overstimulating for your brain constantly? My little one never stops he’s never quiet he always wants to be shouting, climbing on me, demanding I play or demanding I fetch him things. He keeps saying at the moment he’s hungry constantly even while he’s eating and demanding something ...


Partner back at work

My partner goes back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks pat leave, we have 1 nearly 3 year old and one 2 week old, I am stressing with the fact I won’t have him here to help and be my mental support 😂 how do you guys juggle to get your toddler ready for nursery and newborn ready?🩷


Expecting too much?

I recently had an operation and so haven’t been able to do my usual activities, especially housework and running around after the kids. My partner has been off work for a week and looking after me, well kind of. I get the impression he’s not enjoying it. He gets a bit arsey when I ask him to do something for me it...


Constant “I want” demands!

My girl is 4 and we are going through an “I want” phase right now. She keeps saying “if I want something you have to get it for me”. I do not know where she has gotten this phrase from, but the I want demands are getting a little extreme. I’m at a bit of a loss on how to address this behaviour in the best way. I kno...



Is it okay to go to the farm as long as I don’t touch anything?


Would you be annoyed

I am pregnant and ill currently, and have been for a good 2 weeks. This week ive felt so rubbish and thrown up so much ive called off work and arranged extra childcare. I feel absolutely terrible, nothing is staying down ive been up since 5. My little boy is on it today hes so lively and wants so much attention but ...


Step siblings away from each other!

Keeping step kids away from my children. I’m an arsehole I know complete and utter arsehole however I have a 1 year old ( who is starting to talk) and a newborn baby…. Step kids are partners children so my childrens half brothers. They come to my home, swear, disrespect any adult that walks into my home this is ...


So I have a new spouse going 3 months to 4

So I found out last weekend that my new spouse has something really big that you can’t get rid of I got tested but I don’t have it thank god I guess cause he has been taking his medicine. But he failed to mention to me that he had it which I been telling him that if he has anything to tell me he needs to tell me ev...


Thoughts on this - am I overthinking

So I have a toddler son. Who my mum his grandma takes him out every so often with her friends. I’ve met them about 4 times in person. Since he’s become a toddler they always ask my mum if they can take him out all together even wanting to take him to lap land for 4 nights. I find it strange that they wanna spend so...



I need help wording some of these points to MIL, FIL and partners brother who we live with before baby arrives this week… they’ve been so good to us our whole pregnancy and we are quite close, but there’s some conversations i feel we won’t see eye to eye on… how would you word the following points: 1- living with t...


I fear I’ll never trust my husband again 🥲

So 6 years ago after being married for 3 months my husband left me, we eventually got back together some 9 months later but I never got an explanation or a proper explanation then shall I say to why he left me.. he says he had a breakdown and needed space but my brain always drifts to he was having an affair and I’l...



Cannot deal with this behaviour right now


Work life balance

I'm struggling taking care of family with toddler kids and working full time. I don't have the option to go part time, need the money and I'm always stressed. My spouse is supportive and helps in the house with kids equally. How are y'all moms doing? I feel so torn between work and family. I'm unable to balance this.


Toddler meltdowns!!

Toddler meltdowns! Hi mums, bit of an odd one. My girl is 1.5yo and is an absolute Angel. Bit cheeky but is very well behaved and well mannered. We've (on the very rare occasion) experienced her go full sicko mode and go absolutely nuts. Tonight being one of those nights. Hubby took her out of the bath (which ...


Co-parenting blues

Being a Mom is hard, being in a 50/50 schedule I feel is harder. The Mom guilt is so real. I feel sometimes I am too hard on my child because I feel there is a lack of structure in the BDs home that I have to overcompensate for. In doing so, then I feel guilty when she is away from me. I try to do my best to keep a ...


I can’t decide if I want another baby one day

I think I might, but I’m really not sure. My husband and I have a 14 month old and we always thought we’d just have one. Lately he keeps mentioning things like “well if we have another one day we’ll be glad we kept this” etc.. He was cleaning out our closet and decided best to keep the pregnancy pillow “just in case...


Am I Wrong for Blocking My BD & His Wife After What I Heard?

Hey mamas, I need to vent because this situation has been bothering me, and I need to know if I’m tripping. I overheard a conversation between my BD’s wife and my daughter, and it did not sit right with me. My daughter’s birthday is coming up, and she was so excited, telling BD’s wife she has to wish her a happy bi...


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