Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Work & Money.
I’ve been trialling a 4 day work week since returning to work and the 6 month trial period is up in a couple of weeks. I love having Fridays off with my daughter but could do with the extra money (and am planning on trying for another baby soon, so am thinking about the mat pay!). Fridays are usually very quiet and...
Hey guys, need help with something. My husband isn’t taking maternity leave but wants to try to get paid for the two days he missed when I wA in labor at the hospital. Does anyone know how we would do this without applying for his whole three weeks of it and just the two days?
Does anyone know any apps you can use/play that gives you money for doing it?
It's totally lagging and takes so long to process anything. All im doing is using Google docs which is a 30 page document so shouldn't freeze on me so much. Tell me what to do! I can't spend money on this. It's so slow. Everything else seems to work fast just word processing sucks Even typing stuff I'm chatgpt is s...
I’d like to start a business that I can work on and do since I’m a SAHM and I’d like to contribute a bit financially. Any pointers, sites to check out or would help, or suggestions would be much appreciated 🥰
Do anyone know any stay at home jobs?
So I'm currently 28 weeks pregnant and have a c section scheduled already with my current ob however after what happened in the hospital with someone I know recently I don't feel comfortable going to that hospital anymore the doctor flat out told me no and that it was too late to switch hospitals idk what I should d...
just wondering if there are any really good completely free apps anyone would recommend? looking for some to track pregnancy and also for safe excercise and healthy eating etc x
Just to say if you have concerns or queries, just push your midwife for answers! It’s taken me to get to 35 weeks pregnant and finally after several blood tests for them to say I have low b12 and ferritin levels so I need b12 injection as well as two lots of different tablets! All because I was continuously having b...
To the mamas who have a team I’m just looking for a bit of advice. I have a team of 8 people, 6 UK based and 2 overseas. What do you find is the best way to manage them. I want to focus on data to see if the work they are doing is generating positive results for the business. And also want to make better decision...
So it’s my first baby and I’m not going back to work - I’m 26 and I feel judgment from my family and friends that I’m not returning to work. Did anyone else feel judged when becoming a SAHM?
Hello everyone I am a single mum to an nearly 1 year old I was unfortunately made redundant at the start of my maternity leave - it has since ended I am struggling to find a job and I will also have to find childcare but I am struggling financially I don't know what to do I ended up going to the food rescue...
Hi I've finished post partum SDI, baby is 9w old. I think I'm on PFL right now, but my letter from the EDD said 'your PFL and SDI run concurrently because your PFL is related to a new baby'. Can someone help me here? I'm confused and my brain simply isn't working for me right now. I thought I have 6w PP SDI paymen...
I got a letter today challenging a prescription I picked up as they cannot confirm that I have a valid maternity exemption certificate I'm a first time mum so I didn't know that I had to actually get one, I assumed my GP or midwife would issue me with one if needed or that it would all be on the system? I did menti...
I’m looking to work from home. Anyone know where I start? I can’t afford to put my child in childcare I’m better off staying at home. I see all these videos on social media on how mums are so much better working from home. Any advice/help would be appreciated thanks xx
Help mums any ideas or advice will be appreciated
Hello, For UK self employed mums or mum to be. I'm self employed, due 17th Jan and planning to stop working the last week of December. I picked the 6th January to start my maternity allowance however I remember reading that you can't receive money after that or it'll stop you receiving your allowance. How does it ...
I was hoping for some advice from anyone that knows about being self employed and taxes.. I will be receiving SMP until February but with the cost of living we are really struggling to make ends meet with an EXTREMELY high mortgage rate.. my partner works and we don’t qualify for any kind of benefits or relief. My...
Hey ladies. I'm looking to switch career/ job to something i can do from home... does anyone have any ideas on good work from home jobs? Anything is appreciated... I just want to be able to be home more. I hope you ladies are doing well. 😊😊🩵
Be careful who you talk to as seen a girl in here after making multiple new accounts that will ask for money she has done it before and been called out on Facebook as a scammer too