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If anyone is savvy with money stuff, please reply 😇 Shared parental leave is new to me and i’m keen to find out more. Sorry if my terminology is off below! I plan to take a year off. If we do SPL, when i ‘return to work’ (during school hols) does my partner HAVE to take that time off and have SMP for those weeks,…
Can someone tell me more about this? I work as support staff at a school. My partner works in sales. How does would it work? I have heard of school staff ‘going back to work’ during the school holidays during mat leave (ie not really working as its holidays), getting paid full, and partner gets the time off, then ...
i applied for maternity grant ages ago and got a message from them on 8th october saying they are processing my claim. however i got a message saying UC closed my claim ages ago as i haven’t been entitled for ages due to working when pregnant then going on maternity allowance when i left to have baby. will i still b...
Still praying this will stick I'm doing ok this time ( I considered myself the first time mom ) As the other pregnancies didn't do so well but I need help I'm low income, first-time mom to be. I have so much anxiety this pregnancy has been really rough so far I've been in and out of the hospitals with (HG) and they...
I am currently struggling so hard to find a prenatal that will agree with me. I’ve tried sticking it out to see if the symptoms subside but they haven’t. I have no clue what to do as my primary care is useless for anything during pregnancy and I am still waiting on her to put through a referral for my obgyn. Guess ...
I'm low income, first-time mom to be. I have so much anxiety this pregnancy has been really rough so far I've been in and out of the hospitals with (HG) and they are awful I really don't like the way the hospitals treat me or my partner I'm so terrified of having to go to a hospital to deliver my baby I want someth...
I want to start a business that show positively on people who is disable or have a condition like my daughter and would love for someone to be apart of it. I need someone with a creative mind and someone who do art.
My maternity leave is almost up and I will go back to work and will be working from home with my 4 month old. Wondering if any other moms out there have gone back to work and are also working from home? How do you do it and any tips or advice when it comes to doing both at once? Hoping I can handle it but not sure w...
For those that receive tax free childcare in my account it says I have £450 left available for this period. It says I need to reconfirm between the 24 November to 24 December. Does that mean that if I don’t put enough in the account to use the £450 top up then will this expire on the 24 November or the 24 December. ...
So I’m a disability support worker and since being pregnant my hours have dropped. I get paid fortnightly and there have been a couple of weeks where I have not worked a full eight hrs but the following week I work over, average 20-30 hrs per fortnight. Will I still be eligible for ppl? I have lost clients due to no...
Anyone know how it works in terms of payment? I’ve not got my letter yet, only text but I heard people get backpay before their actual first payment. I called the automated line and it said I’m due money at the end of November but this just seems like the normal monthly amount I’d be expecting. Does that include b...
Hey, mamas! 🌟 I’m considering opening a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) for my little one and would love to hear your thoughts. Have any of you started one? How has your experience been with it? ny tips or things to consider would be super helpful! Thanks in advance for sharing your insights! 🙏💬…
I'm 23+2. When and how am I supposed to be getting the MATB1? I'm on meds for hyperemesis and with the form I would be exempt from paying (over £50 a month)
After rent and all of our other bills we barely have any money left over. We haven’t been able to save any money and I need us to have at least 5,000 put away for emergencies. What is something you do for another income?
Mums I am devastated, I have a lot going on and life has got on top of me a bit lately which means I forgot to reconfirm my code for the 15 hours for working parents… Has this happened to anyone else? What happened? Do I loose the hours doe the rest of the term? Everything online is quite confusing about it and I ...
So I’m thinking about going back to school or for a certification of some kind I currently hate my job and it doesn’t pay very much not sure about a 4year college but degree but what do you ladies currently do does it pay well? Any certifications that are 2 years or less that you know of that are lucrative ? Any car...
Hi, not from Florida but my job is hiring in the area due to Helene and Milton. Share pls
I’m 30 weeks and struggling with back ache as a new symptom. On top of sciatica… and the rest. I work in care and find the job very physical, plus I have to get timings perfect. Is anyone else in care and struggling? I’m due to leave for maternity as early as 34 weeks. Although I’m struggling so bad I don’t think I’...
Hey girls! Can someone clarify something for me regarding midwife/hospital appointments while pregnant. Someone has told me I should be paid for these?
We've all been there at some point in our lifetime where we were minding our business going about our day and there goes that pretty dress that appear to be most ideal for the next cocktail party you haven't gotten an invite for. Yours could be buying that car you have no need for, pursuing that degree that really w...