Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.
Is anyone on here consider themselves messy? How do i overcome it? Me and my partner are both quite messy (always have been) and mess around the house doesn’t bother any of us. I’ll pick up rubbish and put dishes in the dishwasher in the day but I can’t imagine hoovering or dusting daily. I’ve always been like this ...
My husband has 10 kids. I’m pregnant with his 11th. I have 3 and this will be my 4th biological child. All of his kids are grown except 3.. one of the three is about to be 18 this year so he will just have 2 under 18. I only have 1 child under 18 right now and he’s 16. All of this to say.. I don’t think my husband...
My dad was a shit dad. Not gonna sugar coat. He cheated on my mum for their whole marriage, was abusive verbally and sometimes physically towards us, and then he was estranged from us for years. We reconnected after a few years of no contact (both my choice), but my siblings do not talk to him and at the most will r...
Anybody else get extremely irritated when your family comes to town & you try to explain to them that your baby has been sleeping poorly & that they’re exhausted & just not in a good mood & they’re like “he will be fine.. he has to learn how to be around other people or he won’t know how to act”… like no if he’s not...
Hi So my son is 21 months old. and people think I have coddled him like a lot. I don't let me do anything dangerous to him or anyone else.. but I am there at his beck and call. He wants to be held, he will be held. He doesn't ever play independently. I am always there at least in the room. I cook and clean only when...
I have a breastfed baby and there are fewer times when my partner can help with her between his job and her wanting to eat. When he can watch her it seems like he always finds some way to give her back to me because he needs to do something he considers to be more time sensitive and more important. I wanna break/tim...
I feel like I’m losing the plot.. my 2 year old has screaming tantrums and hits me which last on average an hour long.. the one before bed tonight was over the fact he didn’t want to put on a nappy.. I understand toddlers are trying to regulate their emotions but he’s unregulating mine.. I feel like I’m going to hav...
Ive been trying to show him affection for two days and he rejects me even now. The last time I did anything he was "sick" and kept joking I raped him. If I do stuff it's bad. If I don't its bad. I am losing my damn mind. I want to be loved. To feel attractive. I feel angry. I feel dead on the inside and losing touch...
So I just had my little girl 11 days ago via emergency c section. My partner was amazing for the first few days waking up in the night to help me with feeds. Showering me with words of encouragement. Being helpful when It came to house work or any lifting I needed even helping me shower etc. but the last few days th...
I feel so disconnected from my husband. We have a very needy baby (only contact naps and won’t play independently. Cries when put down or if you walk away), so it’s hard to get things done. Usually, one of us is doing chores/errands while the other cares for baby. Usually it’s me as baby is breast fed. He huffs and ...
Hey ladies, My marraige is no walk in the park, but alas, we have made it through all the highs and lows gaining scars all the way. I feel like I've lost touch with reality and need a wake up call. My husband often brings up "the great men in my life," patronising, as these men (my dad, Brother in law, ex) are...
Woke up this morning partner asked for breakfast knowing we had about a hour before needing to leave for church. I made banana pancake from scratch, eggs and bacon. Rushed to get the kids ready after they ate and was getting myself ready. He said he was ready to go then soon as I was ready was like nah y’all go ahea...
Anyone been in that position where they are so drained and so tired that when you’re little one is overtired, teething and won’t stop crying you feel this pent up anger that you’re so close to doing something to your baby that you have to just walk away from them for a bit? Today has been one of those days. Doesn’t ...
What/How do you all get your kids to stay still while at church? My husband and I take our twins to mass every Sunday unless they are sick and one twin stays in the pew and reads books or will be placated with soft conversation. The other is screaming to make his voice echo, constantly trying to crawl under the pews...
A few days ago I made a post about how my stepdad is constantly asking my mom when my baby will come over and spend the night. Honestly she’s spent the night before because I used to work overnight but since I don’t anymore I don’t see a reason to have her there, also if they want to see her. They can come over and ...
My husband has been the main provider in our family since I had our son back in 2020. He has an expectation of me to be the primary person who cooks, cleans, takes care of our son. Am I wrong to be feeling tired of being the main person that does everything for everyone in the home continuously tending to everyone's...
Me and my partner have been having problems lately, we have a 2 yr old girl. He works full time and I work 4.5 days a week as a self employed beauty therapist. I do my best to keep on top of house work but the days that I have off I have my daughter and I like to get us out of the house. He is constantly making litt...
Recently I've been feeling so down and depressed because I never get anything done specifically for me. I don't have time in the day to do something that's just for me. My daughter is with me all the time. She comes with me to work and she's with me when I'm working from home. Her dad watches her when he's home, but...
Long story short, on Christmas Day my little sis(she is 12)accidentally sat on one of our daughter’s Christmas presents. It was a broom from a cleaning trolley. The whole thing was flimsy to be honest and when she sat on it, half of it broke. The other half we kept because there wasn’t any sharp bits, it’s a bit sma...
I have been told my baby is going to be coming early and I’m already 31 weeks today. I feel seriously underprepared. The nursery isn’t decorated, my partners just had surgery, none of the furniture is built, the house is a state because I feel exhausted, I haven’t washed any of her clothes and I’m not convinced I ha...