Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.
Hi step mamas, I know I shouldn’t care but I was hoping some of you would understand. My step son is 3 (4 soon) and my daughter is 9 months old. My husbands ex found out she was pregnant after their relationship had ended. She decided to go ahead with the pregnancy and largely accepts that this was because she thoug...
When I was young (don't remember when it started but it ended when I was 10) I was sexually assaulted by my older brother. He is not on speaking terms with my siblings or parents for many reasons but he still speaks to aunts and uncles and other relatives. I blamed myself for a long time for not walking away from h...
I’ll start by saying that my husband is a great dad and we have a great relationship overall but I get so burnt out by being the default parent. If we’re both home with baby he either asks me if I want him to do something or just sits there and waits for me to do it? My daughter started getting fussy and needed a ch...
Does anyone else feel awkward and not sure what to do when another child is misbehaving? I was at playgroup today and a toddler came over and tried taking my baby’s sippy cup so I said oh no that’s the baby’s and tried to take it off her. She wouldn’t give it back and when my baby grabbed the cup off her she started...
I really don’t want to hear it’s a phase because It’s been like this for MONTHS so surely it isn’t? Everytime I take my son to see his cousins, friends, groups soft play etc he is hitting kids, shoving, grabbing their hair, saying no and pushing them to the floor. He hits me, his dad. I do absolutely everything I ca...
It’s been almost a week since I packed up and moved 6 hours away from my hometown and while I stand by my decision… I’m struggling mentally with everything. Between the stress of unpacking, being sick for the first 3 days and not really having anyone to talk to about it is sending me into a spiral. I can’t even call...
I have severe anxiety and little things make me overwhelmed a lot. I don’t often allow my boy any screen time as I don’t necessarily agree with it however today I am so sick like i can’t move or be bothered to keep my boy entertained. Is it ok if I give him screen time? The thought of it is sending my brain into ove...
I try not to react to everything she says because she caused a lot of fights between me and my husband. He supports me, but she never says anything bad to him or in front of him. It's like she knows what she is doing because he is not there he can't defend me and I don't like standing up for myself so I stay quiet, ...
How are people getting chores done now that your babies are walking and causing trouble?
My mum comes round most days and my dad comes round most weekends, grandparents a few times and they're happy to see my baby and everything. Husbands family never visit or ask about baby but they make comments like "she's so different whenever we see a photo" or "they're not little for long" or "see how much she's g...
I'm starting a new job soon and I'm really worried I'll hate it and find it too overwhelming. I've stayed at home since having our son so I'm a bit intimidated by this new start. It's only going to be for 2 or 3 days a week, and he'll be with either his grandparents or my husband, so we're lucky that we don't need ...
My daughter started nursery in January and the first few days she was absolutely fine and happy to go to nursery, but then since the second week she cries a lot before going in and when I asked them, they said she’s fine when she’s here but every now and then she gets very upset whilst she’s there, and also she’s be...
Hi mums. Please I hope this is an ok subject to post. I have a 4 year old boy and since he wa about 2 he has always loved colour pink and whenever we been shopping he’s always loved looking at dresses anything sparkly. He loved makeup and doing nails. He loves Disney princess and dressing up like them. I’m not with...
Does anyone else’s baby not really show any affection? My LB is coming 10 months next week and since about 7 months or so he never wants to cuddle. If he’s tired he will put his head into me for literally 2 seconds and it’s as if he catches himself on and moves again. He also might sink into me after his bedtime bot...
I'm just curious to see other momma opinions, I'm think in a time nowadays, I get being inclusive and letting kids explore their identity/personality as they grow; but does anyone else have boundaries when it comes to raising young men. Dealing with my man, who I got blessed to be with coming from a toxic relationsh...
So, I'm incredibly excited that I'm pregnant with our second (just over 5 weeks) but my days I'm already finding pregnancy mich harder this time round. I have a 2 year old and a very busy job. Although the job is work from home it is chaotically busy and I've been finding it really stressful, especially with the fat...
So, my man asked if I was okay with his friend coming into town and staying with us. I told him no, now’s not a good time. January was rough, and I’m still feeling it—mentally, emotionally, all of it. Fast forward, his friend is still coming into town (just *not* staying with us), and now my man is mad at me beca...
I come home with our toddler from soft play with a little bit of an attitude because the house looked exactly how we left it. With him wfh and being done by 1pm, I come home and the dishes weren’t done and the floor with crap on it completely ignored. I come home to him playing video games. It pissed me off because ...
NO JUDGMENT!!!! I was diagnosed with postpartum depression and anxiety and more due to me finding out my partner cheated on me. I also found out the apartment we were moving into where he works he’s being kissing and doing more to his boss. She’s knows who I am and once day I was waiting for him to get off before...
Hi! So my 19 month old has been in child care since she was 10 months old. She joined the infant room and moved up to the toddler room in November. There was a head bump at the centre when she was trying to walk. But in the past month she’s had 2 more serious accidents; finger got stuck in the door and today she tri...