Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.
My stepson (7) is usually besotted with my newborn (8 weeks) but yesterday we were trying to get them to eat quickly before taking them back to their mum's. They were walking about and playing so we said no playing until you eat your food so they did and in that time I gave the little one to their dad so I could go ...
So my partner said he has taken an extra shift(he told me yesterday for today) although he wasn’t feeling too well. Anyway his alarm went off twice and he snoozed it. One alarm went off just before the kids woke up the other went off just as I was getting up with them he sort of woke up but I get he turned the alarm...
Do you ever just feel like “things would be so much easier if it were just me and my baby” ? My daughter’s father and I just haven’t been on the same page for a while now. I’ve made mistakes such as not being supportive when he wants an overnight job, leaving me to raise our 16month old and HIS two children 5,6. He’...
Hi, I’m currently pregnant. I do all the cooking. I do all the cleaning. I do all the laundry. We split the bills 50/50. I look after our child we have at the moment and he plays with him for about 10 minutes a day and that’s it. And that’s only because he knows I will have a go at him if he doesn’t. He leaves his ...
I have 4 weeks to go and feel like I can’t do anything because my husband is always working and says it’s not safe for me to go out alone, not that I would get very far as it is a struggle to walk for long! I just feel so cooped up and uncomfortable. I know baby will come soon but then I will be cooped up with a bab...
Hey guys just needing to vent a little bit. The father of our one yr old child lives in a different state, from the moment I was pregnant he gave false promises (I will move to you guys but put no effort in and instead moved further away), he says a lot of stuff that sounds good in the moment but never follows throu...
Baby woke up crying and usually when I get him to lull him back to sleep he stops crying. This time he didn’t which made me think he hit his head in his crib. I wake up my husband to feel his head and he tells me no because he’s so tired from working all day. This frustrates me so much I yell at him and call him an ...
So me and my husband went out last night for dinner with some friends My husbands parents was looking after our LO he’s almost 5 months old. all they had to do was feed him around 8pm and then put him to bed at 8:45-9pm, we explained how much milk he drinks how to use the prep machine, explained how to get him to sl...
So last year me and SO had 2 actual arguments where his voice was definitely raised and he ended up stomping and punching a wall out of frustration. I kid you not literally since then whenever our boys (5&2) have a tantrum or I tell them off they will now stomp at me or even imitate punching the wall. Now obviously ...
SO works Monday- Friday. We have 2 children under 5 I take my oldest to school and youngest only goes to nursery 1 day a week. On weekends he sleeps in until whenever. He moans if the kids come in the room early (so I have to eventually get up) if they wake up in the middle of the night and we are both in bed it’s ...
She said she thinks my bd-her son is staying away from baby and I because he’s trying to show me he doesn’t want to be with me. This hurt me and idk how else to feel or think abt it
How do yall afford to stay home in todays world? With 3 kids child care is insane. My salary isnt able to cover it. I have to stay home. But now we cant pay our regular bills on just my husbands salary. Idk what to do. Should I work nights?? How is that doable? I cant sleep while the kids are awake. This seems impos...
I’m so annoyed with my husband. He was at work all day (he owns the business picks his damn hours has full staff) I’ve been home all day with a teething baby who only wants me not mil. All I asked him to do was either make dinner (burgers) or give her a bath. He chose dinner, after 40 fucking mins in the shower hims...
Trying to see if I’m overreacting.. my husband is changing jobs and his last day was today at his current job. So I talked to him about getting take out tonight to celebrate him and this new position he got. He got off at 12 and came home and napped and then said at 2 that his coworkers wanted to take him out for ...
So I say I take care of all household stuff and toiletries and he says that nothing compared to what I do. Mind you we have two kids and he doesn't help with them at all, all he does is pay the bills not saying it's anything wrong with that but how he said it was so rude to me and now he's telling me he needs me to ...
i have this gut feeling my husband is keeping something away on his phone. we have been in arguments before about me snooping around his phone but now that he’s asleep i wanna go through it so badly but if he catches me im in trouble.😕
So my fiance said he'll only be out 2 to 3 hours staking with some friends. It's been almost 5 to 6 hours since then , I don't have the car keys and if something would happen to our son idk what I'd do since I don't have a car nor able to afford an ambulance not saying that something will happen just that there migh...
Baby girl is 12 weeks old (6 corrected) she’s started not settling for her Dad he’s becoming increasingly frustrated and feels like he’s worthless because as soon as she comes to me she automatically stops crying she is currently battling cmpa so is in discomfort anyway but it’s now starting to make me feel like 💩…
I’ve been the primary parent then single parent, bread winner, chef, maid, laundress, everything since pregnancies and now that they’re older (5+) I feel like I’ve hit a wall. A wall of exhaustion, depression, and I hate to say it, not caring. I still love them and would do anything for them, but I don’t want to p...
I have 2 daughters under 2years, one is a month old and the other is 16 months. I am a sahm while my husband works a part time job. He helps watch the oldest when he's home or has a day off, but that's all he does, just watch her. I remind him to get her up, I put her down for nap/bedtime, I feed her all her meals, ...