Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.
my bb gets a good latch and eats fine doesn’t have any ties but its still so painful to feed and the initial latch is still hell😭 (im a month pp and ebf in the day he gets one night bottle)
I’m a week into breastfeeding and it’s going well so far. The only thing is whenever I breastfeed, the other boob is just leaking so much that I’ve got a Hakka pump. How do you deal with this in public? Also clothes are just so painful on my nipples, what is everyone using to help this?
Hi there. I wondered what TENS machines everyone used and honest feedback? My friend had the boots one for her first baby and thought it was useless. I’m looking at the Elle tens 2- any feed back? Also I read that list go up to 40-60V but some 100v- has anyone happened to use a 100V one? Thank you in advance :)
Newly ebf mama here and just wondering how everyone is breastfeeding their babies during the night.. For context I was previously exclusively expressing and feeding my lo from a bottle as she just wouldn’t latch or feed from the breast and then just magically started at 4 months. My lg falls asleep 4/5 on the bre...
My LO is 9 weeks old and is combination fed BF and formula, offered 2 bottle formula a day (approx 7oz most days altogether). The last couple of days she wants to be constantly latched during the day (continuing to sleep 9 hours at night). However often when latched does not appear to be particularly actively suckli...
Hey girls! I am in desperate need of advice. I have a lb who is nearly 16 months old and we are still breastfeeding! I am beyond grateful that I am able to exclusively breastfeed for so long but I need my space back and I feel now is the right time for us both to stop. During the day it is easy to distract h...
Hi ladies, my 8 week old was on the 50th centile at birth and at her 2 week check up but at the 6 weeks appointment she dropped to the 9th. I had her weighed again a week later and she’s still on the 9th. She is exclusively breastfed and fed on demand. She has dropped a night feed by herself so goes 5 ish hour thro...
Hi mums, Today I started to have symptoms of gastroenteritis and I already threw up a couple of times. How can I feed my baby if I am feeling so poorly? I cannot even drink water without vomiting, it’s awful and I am worried to infect my baby and to give her very poor quality milk right now. Without considering that...
I want to stop. I’m 26 weeks pregnant and my son is 15 months old. I’ve dried up weeks ago and he refuses to stop. He’ll cry for hours and scream. I’d rather hear a newborn cry all day than him. He throws a tantrum nonstop. He will not give up. I really need help. I’ve tried introducing pacifiers again (he hated the...
Has anyone started leaking colostrum yet? I’m 29 weeks on Wednesday and woke up and my boobs felt wet but then there’s been nothing else, wondering if it’s my imagination or my colostrum’s starting to come in?!
My baby keeps waking around then and I feed back to sleep so she usually doesn't want any milk before breakfast. To be honest even if she does have some, she doesn't want any before lunch either she would only have an ounce or less. She wants it after. As milk is meant to be the priority and offered before meals, n...
Are any of the cold and flu medications safe to use while breastfeeding?
My baby girl is 6 days old and we have been struggling with breast feeding. Lately she has been all over the place trying to latch which is frustrating for both of us. When she does latch it’s painful for me. Ive already seen a BF consultant and things went really well but when I got home they have been horrible aga...
My little one had issues latching from the start due to a severe tongue tie, and my nipples were so incredibly sore and cracked so I started pumping and also giving him formula (mainly formula). I had his tongue tie cut last Wednesday and he still doesn’t want to latch and gets so frustrated so we’re on mainly formu...
My little sisters 21st birthday is coming up.. for years her and I talked about this seemingly very special day for her. However, I have a 2 month old. She is a preemie who didn’t quite get the hang of breastfeeding in the beginning. About 3 weeks ago we tried again and she is doing fantastic nursing now. The reason...
I've been breast feeding for 9 weeks now and it's been so hard. I come from a family of bottle fed babies so do t fully understand breastfeeding and have not got a lot of support. My baby hasn't been feeding right for about 4 weeks and it's progressively getting more difficult. She seems to be getting more upset b...
I’m formula feeding and always planned to so it isn’t an issue. However I tried to collect colostrum when at the end of my pregnancy but was bone dry! Just assumed it’s because my milk wouldn’t come in till after baby was born. Midwife told me around day 3-4 my milk would come in, my boobs would feel heavy etc. but ...
I know there is no such thing as over feeding a breastfed baby. But I don't know if I'm over latching and am causing myself to become a pacifier sooner or later? My son is only 2 weeks old so I know he is of course cluster feeding and growing stomach, but I'm questioning if I'm messing up by giving him the boob ever...
Hi there i just wondered if anybody else has been through a similar situation to me. My son is 1 week old and me and my partner are just getting used to parent life ! I am breastfeeding which has been quite demanding at times but also very lovely to bond with him. My husband has tried to calm the baby and soothe how...
I’ve recently stopped breastfeeding and my little girl (7.5 months) now has 2x6oz bottles through the night, is this normal? Usually bed at 7pm, up crying for a feed 12pm then up 4am hungry again. Won’t settle without food and drinks the full bottle?