Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

Going to nursery

Hi everyone, My baby is EBF and has never been great on a bottle. She’s definitely a bit better now but I want to prepare her for going back to work. I’m a teacher and will be returning back to work at the end of March. I want to start to reduce my feeds during the day and replace with formula. Would it be best fo...



I’ve just been prescribed oral thrush treatment for baby and nipple cream for me - for anyone else that has had thrush how long did it take to clear up for you and baby? My nipples are pretty red and painful breasts but baby seems unphased at the moment


Baby #2

Hey girls!! I just found out a couple of weeks ago I’m gonna be a mom again. My baby is 1 year old and still nursing… my appt with the obg is on February 04 but im concern because I heard is not possible to breastfeed while I’m pregnant because the baby is gonna get sick… wish to read if someone has had a similar s...


Do I just give up

I’m really struggling I’ve been pumping for 3.5 weeks now, and I’m still not getting enough milk to fully feed my 1 month old. I’m pumping 8-9 times a day with 1 session being power pumping. The most I ever got was 3.5oz but that’s not regular my usual is 1oz - 2oz I just can’t seem to get up to 3oz consistent...


Nursing bra help

I’m looking for good recommendations for plus size nursing bras/ places that sell good plus size nursing bras. Before being pregnant I was a size 18/20 on top depending on where I shipped this would change. Now being pregnant I’m more of a 22-24 on top. I can’t seem to find anywhere that will do good and comfortable...


Milk frequency

We still are doing milk every 3hrs from morning wake till bedtime…(outside of naps)…and looking to transition from bottle to next thing (tried her 360 sippy cup and she got very frustrated). Are you guys still doing milk that frequently? Seems like she’s in meltdown mode every 3hrs and milk puts her back in a better...


Partners opinions

This is just a vent about how my partner doesn’t want me to breastfeed in public. So basically I have always wanted to breastfeed. And I’ve stuck with it. But he always says about how we have to take bottles of milk with us when we go out. And then today he’s going on about how formula would be easier because we c...


Breast Thrush

Has anyone had breast thrush and what did you do? My son is BF and I’ve been on antibiotics due to my c section scar becoming infected. Since coming off the antibiotics I’ve been getting stabbing pains in my nipples (for 2 days) and google suggests it’s breast thrush, I know we shouldn’t believe everything on Goog...


Period returning

I've been EBF for 8 months and not had my period, I have reduced my pump over the last 2 months and still no sign of my period. When should I expect it to return or will it just hit me by surprise one day? lol.


No milk in my breast anymore

My milk has went low. I’m in an abusive relationship and my husband is putting me down about certain things. Sauk bc it’s my fault she’s 11 months and has been introduced to solids as well. We’re here at the pediatrician office. Words of encouragement please.



When did you start pumping … my baby is 7 days old and is exclusively breastfeeding.


Milk supply disappeared. Help!

We've been exclusively BFing up to now, LO has always hated a bottle and has CMPA and needs formulas which she also seems to hate so haven't pushed it as we've been managing. In the last week my supply has just nosedived. I keep reading to trust the process and that supplies do change as time passes but I know my bo...


Baby choking while breastfeeding

She nurses super fast at first and then slows down, making her choke. I've tried giving her breaks, burping in between and positions. Any other tips?


Breastfeeding info

I have a c section booked for Saturday and I was just wondering if anyone has any useful websites/info/tips for breastfeeding? I feel like I have no idea what to do or how much to feed LO or how long it will take for my milk to come in etc. I have tried colostrum collecting, I get 0.1ml at a time (30 mins to an ...


Should you pump when you have mastitis?

Just been to the doctors and I’ve got mastitis. I’ve been given antibiotics and the doctors encouraged me to keep feeding on that boob (which I am, whilst gritting my teeth 😂). But sometimes little one falls asleep before it feels drained, so can I pump after feeding to try and get the most out? Thanks!


Colostrum collection

I can’t do it 🙄 37 weeks and nothing is coming out. With both previous babies I feel my milk doesn’t come until a day of or after they’re born. Anyone else ? Any tips welcome ! 🙏🏽


Is the first feed still recommended to be breast fed due to colostrum or is this outdated now if you plan on bottle feeding?

I’m having a planned cesarean and don’t plan on breast feeding but my mum is adamant baby needs first milk for colostrum? I’ve heard c section mums may not get milk in straight away and also pain meds can interfere? Will my baby miss out dramatically if they don’t get the colostrum from first breast milk? Any adv...


Breast pumps

Can anyone recommend a good manual breast pump?


Milk for mixing in food

Hey, would it be okay to use blue whole milk or oat milk to make babies (7 months) porridge or Weetabix because he's EBF and anything I pump is needed for days with her daddy. Should I just avoid giving them until after 1 when whole milk is fine? I'd use water because that's what I use but read it wasn't good for th...


Introducing cows milk

Apologies, as this has probably been asked before! My LO is now one and has been EBF. He has had dairy in his diet since 7-8 months of age. I now want to offer him some milk with his afternoon snack. Do I just give him a little in his cup and see how he responds? We are still breastfeeding in the evening and mornin...


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