Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.
How much oz everyone lil one having along with weaning ? Just curious to know if baby actually decreases the milk intake now . Thanks
Yesterday my right boob started really hurting when I fed baby in the night it hurt so much I was crying and gripping the bed , today is still hurts so much but if I don’t get the milk out it over flows and hurts much more I keep having electric shocks feelings go through my boob , I also just have flu like symptoms
Those who are still breastfeeding, how many times are you breastfeeding a day?
Hi, so I’ve been continuously breastfeeding my baby up until now that he’s 15 months old. Recently I cut the feeds down to two, naptime and bedtime. He slept through the night for the past month or so. He’s been away from me one night only last weekend. My partner (then) wanted to take him to see his family for a we...
How much milk is your LO drinking?
I am 31 days postpartum, and I feel like I keep seeing all of these videos of these women having a huge over supply, and I'm just getting enough for my daughter… I've been taking any and all advice on how to increase my supply but I don't have enough to even get me a day ahead letalone feeding one or two sessions ah...
Hello guys, so I had a small freezer stash but fridge door was accidentally left a little open over night causing breakmilk to thaw a bit.. is it safe to still use or should I throw out? The milk froze again after we properly closed the door
Do you randomly squeeze your boobs during the day to make sure there’s milk in there still?
Anyone breastfeeding and trying to lose weight? I want to start by saying I am an exclusive pumper. I am not an under supplier however I’m not exactly an over supplier either. I make enough for about 2 bottles per pump if all is well. I wanted to start working out to lose weight after birth but I’ve heard that yo...
I am 6 weeks pp and want to start exclusively pumping but have no idea what to do to ensure my supply doesn’t drop. How do I start? What schedule should I follow? And do I really have to pump throughout the night?
My daughter is 17 months old and is still breast fed. I really don’t want to breastfeed her anymore. But struggling to stop. Any advice please?
Hello, I wonder if you have any tips for knowing if you have milk in your breast at all please? Since baby started properly feeding they never feel very full and i don't get much by pumping at all. However baby seems to be feeding well and takes plenty of swallows and has good nappy output. On occasion however he i...
LO is now 14 weeks old, breastfed with on average 10oz top up of formula spread over feeds evening onwards. Is currently sleeping upto 10 hours in the night with no feeds, gaining weight no issues. However, I have tried pumping to create a supply for when leaving baby with my family or to use as top up instead of fo...
my bb gets a good latch and eats fine doesn’t have any ties but its still so painful to feed and the initial latch is still hell😭 (im a month pp and ebf in the day he gets one night bottle)
I’m a week into breastfeeding and it’s going well so far. The only thing is whenever I breastfeed, the other boob is just leaking so much that I’ve got a Hakka pump. How do you deal with this in public? Also clothes are just so painful on my nipples, what is everyone using to help this?
Hi there. I wondered what TENS machines everyone used and honest feedback? My friend had the boots one for her first baby and thought it was useless. I’m looking at the Elle tens 2- any feed back? Also I read that list go up to 40-60V but some 100v- has anyone happened to use a 100V one? Thank you in advance :)
Newly ebf mama here and just wondering how everyone is breastfeeding their babies during the night.. For context I was previously exclusively expressing and feeding my lo from a bottle as she just wouldn’t latch or feed from the breast and then just magically started at 4 months. My lg falls asleep 4/5 on the bre...
My LO is 9 weeks old and is combination fed BF and formula, offered 2 bottle formula a day (approx 7oz most days altogether). The last couple of days she wants to be constantly latched during the day (continuing to sleep 9 hours at night). However often when latched does not appear to be particularly actively suckli...
Hey girls! I am in desperate need of advice. I have a lb who is nearly 16 months old and we are still breastfeeding! I am beyond grateful that I am able to exclusively breastfeed for so long but I need my space back and I feel now is the right time for us both to stop. During the day it is easy to distract h...
Hi ladies, my 8 week old was on the 50th centile at birth and at her 2 week check up but at the 6 weeks appointment she dropped to the 9th. I had her weighed again a week later and she’s still on the 9th. She is exclusively breastfed and fed on demand. She has dropped a night feed by herself so goes 5 ish hour thro...