Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.
So yesterday we went to the beach and when my partner was going towards the ocean our 1 year old would cry and want to go with him.. and he was crying last night in bed, my partner consoled him back to bed. So this morning he says to me if i cuddle our baby enough? Like wtf?! And that im on my phone alot when he has...
I need some hope (or a reality check)… my partner (28yo) is a a bit of a mess. Our first baby is due next month and he is immature and irresponsible in so many ways (I’m aware I should’ve paid more attention to this when deciding to keep the baby but I have to make do with the situation now). He can’t hold down a jo...
I am so upset. My husband is in the army and lives away through the week. I have an ECV next Wednesday as my baby is transverse. I am 35 weeks. I called him when he was on route home, to ask if he can come to the clinic next week. He said he couldn’t as he was away ( he finishes his last course with the army a week...
My baby will fuss if I leave him for a second. This is new. How long should I let him cry till self soothing 😔 I’m a single mom. Have a bf but he only visits maybe twice a week. I am tired and wish he would play independently like he had for like 3 months. Now I am his everything. He is fine if he is with…
Does anyone else feel like all they do is clean ALL DAY LONG but NOTHUNG gets done
My little munchkin is 3 months old and my partner and I are coming up to a year together. My partner went to clubs (not all the time but every few weeks) and I asked if for our year if we could have our friend who lives with us and who we trust to look after her and go to the club together. He said that he wouldn’t ...
Apparently I’m a bad mother for relying on Drs to prescribe medication and antibiotics for my child when she is sick. I’m a bad mother for taking her to the Drs and can’t do things on my own like having my own remedies to cure my child. This comes from a father who is also refusing to pick up their child on their ...
For context My fiancé and I welcomed our baby 8 months ago and are currently at the beginning stages of planning our wedding I asked him a question my friend asked me today and it was as a man name the people in your life you prioritise and their order, his answer was our son, his mother and then me. When I asked ...
So my little boy will be one a week on Sunday, this week has been tough! I’m now back to work (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) and whenever I have been around him he has just cried 99% of the time. It’s breaking my heart because I thought being away from him he would be so happy to spend time with me. I have a 3 year ...
I think my mom thinks I’m a bad mom & it brakes my heart because I try my best every single day. Yesterday my toddler was grumpy because he skipped his nap & I simply told him this is why you take a nap when mami takes you to nap & I start walking to the kitchen to get him milk & take him for a nap & my mom starts s...
This emotional abuse is too much😔 My husband is always hurting me with words and this is getting worse every day. I feel worthless and helpless. I try to stay strong for my baby but sometimes it’s just too hard. I can’t find a job and I depend on him only and he doesn’t help with our daughter. I look terrible and…
I’m a full time SAHM and work in the evenings when my husband gets off until 8pm every night. I’m a shell of myself right now and not getting enough rest to recover from the flu…going on a week of this. My parents are too old and at risk to step into our home with this going on, and they live hours away regardless e...
Really tired today. The regression, the teething, it’s a lot. I feel like my partners life hasn’t changed, he goes to the gym most nights then has a 20 minute bath when he gets back (I’m lucky to shower in the day) then the last 2 Saturdays he’s had plans arranged. This is all following a 5 day work trip a couple we...
Would you send your 1 year old to nursery? I’ve just had another baby and my husband keeps saying I should send my 1 year old to nursery 2 days a week but I really don’t want to not when I’m not working anyway. Do you think he’s right? That’s my 1 year old needs to go to socialise with other kids.
How is your LO doing? Mine doesn't let me out of playlen. Even when i am right in front of her working on kitchen, she wants me inside the playpen. If i am not around or with her, she will scream the house down! There has been lots of crying and screaming on her part. I dont know what to do. Any idea how to deal wit...
What do you use to clean your laminate flooring? I've been using a spray mop and after cleaning, wiped with a piece of kitchen roll and it was so brown 🫣 I'm disgusted by it!
My son is two and we recently just started staying home together. He was in daycare the past year. I'm not used to not working and just trying to get used to being a stay at home mom. He has his days lol like they all do I run out of activities and I try not to do screen time but sometimes I feel defeated so I let h...
I don't know if I'm looking for advice or just ranting... But, I'm at the absolute end of my tether. Our LO is just over 5 months... I've done everything from day dot. Every single night feed (combi fed) and pretty much every feed bar a few. My partner gets home from work and insists he cooks every night and before...
My partner keeps trying to encourage me to go out and have some alone time, or go and see some friends, however our 16 week old won’t settle with anyone but me, and he doesn’t seem to be able to handle him on his own. He’ll try get him to sleep and inevitably won’t settle and will then end up being like “this isn’t ...
My baby is 2 days old (second time mum) I’ve decided to EBF this time around just because she was such a low birth weight and I didn’t get chance with my first as my supply was shocking. I’ve been feeding her on demand whenever she cries/ shows cues she’s hungry she has enough dirty nappies and wet and she seems ha...